Monday, August 14, 2017, from 6 pm

Venue: Hotel Royal, Catania, Italy

17th Catania Tango Festival 2017  with Ka-Tango Live

Tango Royal –  FEST-Milonga11 > Tango&Barocco

Venue: Hotel Royal – Via Antonino Di Sangiuliano, 337, 95124 Catania CT, Italy

Katalin Bartha is the founder of this event. She armed with a special instrument that provides an opportunity for a new approach to tango music.

KATango is warmly recommended for its personal atmosphere and music improvisations! While playing at milongas she inserts my own KATango music blocs between traditional and alternative tandas, so all those who love traditional or experimental tango musics find pieces corresponding to their taste.

Since KATango music is mainly construed of improvisation and is greatly influenced by the environment, the ambience, so the participants have no small role in the evolution of the music of the night.

We are looking forward to seeing our tango Festival community with enthusiasm and wondering what we’ll create together. KATango performance will held at the Royal Hotel in the afternoon milonga of 14th August.

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