Friday, 25. Február 2022, from 2 pm
Venue: Lajos Keller Cultural Center
Poetic music – Musical poems
Interactive art session for preschoolers
Performer: Katalin Bartha – violinist, teacher, voice therapist
Friday, February 25, 2022, 2 p.m
“Poetic music – Musical poems” – improvisational musicalization of poems selected from the compulsory poems included in the curriculum of the given age group with the participation of the children, in consultation with the professional responsible of the inviting school. The final goal of the performance, in addition to imparting basic musical knowledge, is to perform the poem set to music together at the end of the lesson: making a journey into the creative world of composition and performance.
Violinist and teacher Katalin Bartha has been on stage or in the pulpit for more than 30 years. A few years ago, improvisation and the use of electronic instruments opened new paths in his music art. After the previous successful lecture series “Talking Music” and “Music of the Ages”, he wants to give the experience of modern light music, songwriting and performance to children with his new course, which is starting now.
Keller Lajos Cultural Centre and Library – 37 Szabadság square, 6630 Mindszent, Hungary
The series is supported by the Ministry of Human Resources.