Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021, from 8 pm
Venue: Art’s Harmony Studio
Milonga del Angel with Kat Bartha & Hajnalka Lehoczky live at Art’s Harmony Studio!
We are waiting for you personaly at the location (Art’s Harmony Studio) at the milonga!!! :)))
20.00-21.00- Musicality practica with KATango
21- 00.30 Milonga del Angel KATango LIVE and DJ Attila Varga
Entry fee: 1500 HUF Practica fee: 500 HUF (free with Milonga entry ticket)
For the students of Mária Glotz classes can have only 1000 HUF entry fee for the milonga – just as like the students under 25 years.
Of course, we always keep in mind the current epidemiological regulations when handling events.
Of course, this is not an expectation, we leave it to everyone’s own discretion according to their possibilities.
If you like our committed passion of tango, please – DONATE US!
Our bank account number: 11712004 – 22464626 (Art’s Harmony Társaság)
or via PayPal: paypal.me/tangoharmony Thank You!
Venue: Art’s Harmony Studio – Rökk Szilárd u. 11., Budapest, 1085-HU