Thursday 22, March, 2018, from 9:30 pm
Venue: Auditorium Plip – Mestre, (VE) Italy
Giovedìtango h. 21.30 Tj. Franco Parente; Special Guest Katalin Bartha (violino) in Auditorium Plip
Organized by Tangoaction
Today we will have the honor of hosting the violinist KATALIN BARTHA, that will breath us with an intervention of danceable pieces.
9.30pm: beginning of the evening in Auditorium … all on track with Franco Parente and the extraordinary intermezzers of Katalin Bartha and her violin!
Contribution to the evening: € 5
Venue: Auditorium Plip (CenrtoPlip) – Via San Donà, 195/c Carpenedo Mestre, Venezia, Italy
For more info and registration:
Caterina 3295622629
Clara 3288868828